Allgemeine Leistungsbedingungen

General terms and conditions (GTC)

We work according to the Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen („ADSp“/German Freight Forwarders’ General Terms and Conditions), version 2017, and – where these are not applicable to the extent of logistics services we provide – according to the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics Services Providers („Logistik-AGB“), version 2019.

For impediments to performance such as force majeure, riots, acts of war or terrorism, natural disasters, pandemics (e.g. COVID-19), epidemics, industrial action (strike, lockout, etc.), outages caused by third parties or restrictions on electronic data exchange, cyber-crime by third parties, blocking of transport routes and other unforeseeable, unavoidable and serious events, our General Terms and Conditions of Business on Impediments to Performance / Force Majeure apply.

Note: In accordance with § 431 of the German Commercial Code („HGB“), the ADSp 2017 deviate from the law in paragraph 23 of the German Freight Forwarders’ General Terms and Conditions with regard to the maximum liability by limiting the legal liability for multimodal transports, including transportation by sea and in the case of an unknown place of damage, to 2 SDR/kg and in addition to the standard liability of 8.33 SDR/kg to 1.25 million Euros per loss event and 2.5 million euros per any one event, or at least 2 SDR/kg, whichever amount is the highest.

The products listed on this website have been developed by CargoLine GmbH & Co. KG. With regard to the services offered within the framework of these products, the following conditions apply with priority if they differ from the „ADSp“ and the „Logistik-AGB“ (date: November 2020). These GTC apply to the services of CargoLine cooperation partners. They shall also apply if and insofar as CargoLine GmbH & Co. KG itself provides services (hub handling and in exceptional cases: forwarding, transport, storage, or logistics services).

No other general terms and conditions of the contracting party shall apply.

The place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Frankfurt upon Main. German law shall apply.

I. Valid for all products in European land transport (for SeaLine see the end of this list)

1. General conditions

In order to provide the services offered, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Orderly transport conditions
  • Suitable packaging, safe for transport, and includes precise package labeling
2. General exemptions
  • Packing units of more than 6 m in length
  • Germany: more than 2,000 kg per packing unit; cross-border shipments: more than 3,000 kg chargeable (dimensional) weight
  • Valuables (gems, jewelry, money, smart cards, documents, certificates, securities, genuine pearls, coins, prepaid cards, objects of art, antiques, real carpets and fur, paintings)
  • Live animals
  • Live plants (except as NightLine NextDay transport)
  • Temperature-controlled goods (with the exception of ThermoLine), frozen and perishable goods
  • Tobacco products, consumer goods with a high risk of theft
  • Relocation items
  • Drugs and narcotics
  • Dangerous goods according to annex 24 of CargoLineís freight forwarders manual, i.e. dangerous goods of classes such as 1, 2 (T, TF, TC, TO, TFC, TOC), 4.1 (D, DT, SR2), 5.2 (P2), 6.2, 7 and waste products
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Deliveries on Sundays and public holidays. For public holidays which are not uniform nationally or across Europe, the holiday regulations of the delivering CargoLine partner apply

Specific exemptions that do not apply generally to all products are listed underneath the particular product description.

Only standardized Euro pallets or standardized Euro mesh pallets can be exchanged. The CargoLine partner who accepts the order defines the countries in which pallets may be exchanged. CargoLine is under no legal obligation to exchange pallets.

3. Area of applicability

NightLine premium products, OrderLine, ServiceLine, ThermoLine, B2CLine and B2CLine Plus: The area of applicability covers the entire sovereign territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. Cross-border deliveries upon request.

NightLineEurope Priority, Fix and Receipt: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. Further countries upon request.

The area of applicability for NightLineEurope NextDay is defined by the applicable current table listing the range of coverage (see product description).

B2CLine Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland

Working days = Monday to Friday


NightLinePlus, NightLine NextDay

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Transportation of goods across Germany with punctual delivery to the recipient on the working day (Monday to Friday) following collection or, in the case of NightLinePlus, as agreed.* Cross-border deliveries upon request.
NightLinePlus 8: delivery by 8 a.m.
NightLinePlus 10: delivery by 10 a.m.
NightLinePlus 12: delivery by noon
NightLinePlus 12: delivery by noon

2. General conditions

In order to carry out the services offered, the following general conditions must be met:

  • Separate notification and identification of the shipping order stating the product required: NightLinePlus 8, 10, 12, or NightLine NextDay
  • The recipient must be available to take delivery of the goods from 7.30 a.m. If the recipient is not willing or is unable to accept the delivery of the goods during normal working hours and at the latest by the agreed final delivery time, additional costs of 50 per cent will incur for the resulting second delivery of the goods (basis: the applicable current NightLine rate)
  • NextDay transport of live plants takes place from Monday to Thursday (Friday only by arrangement)
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Maximum 3,000 kg consignment weight and 3 loading meters. Other weights and dimensions upon request.
  • For the transport of living plants with NightLine NextDay, the following applies in deviation from the above:
    • maximum piece goods dimensions per package 120 x 120 cm, the pallets must not be overpacked.
    • The packaging of the goods must be as follows:
      • boxes lined with foil or
      • air-permeable transport containers or
      • cool boxes, polystyrene boxes or
      • firm wrapping with air-permeable foil (e.g. for rolled turf)
    • blanket placing permission required for B2C recipients
4. Exemptions specific to the product

Advance notification, deliveries to islands, cash on delivery (COD), heavy cargo (NightLinePlus only), seaport deliveries, self-collect deliveries, for live plants loading on a Friday (unless otherwise agreed), goods subject to customs duties

5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively free domicile.


1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Delivery on a precise day in Germany (delivery > 1 working day), on demand by 8 a.m., 10 a.m., or noon*

2. General conditions
  • Collection at least 2 days prior to the specified delivery date. otherwise, the conditions of the product NightLine NextDay apply.
  • Warehousing charges incur from day 5.
3. Dimensions and weights

Up to 3,000 kg or 3 loading meters.

4. Exemptions specific to the product

Goods subject to customs duties

5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively free domicile.


1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Coverage throughout Germany with service free at the place of use, cross-border service upon request

2. The following additional services (subject to a surcharge) can be ordered after prior consultation with the CargoLine partner in question:
  • Unpacking
  • Transport of packaging (untreated outer and transport packaging, free from product residues) to a destination determined by the customer
  • Collection for recycling purposes
  • Return to the manufacturer
  • Return of exchanged equipment as long as the customer provides a written order to do so (in accordance with § 25 KrW-/AbfG Waste Avoidance and Management Act, voluntary acceptance of returned goods)
3. General conditions

In order to provide the services offered, the following conditions must be met:

  • Advance notification and clarification of delivery situation/general conditions at destination by the delivering CargoLine partner
  • The goods must be deliverable with a suitable vehicle (clarification during the notification process) and the necessary equipment (the road must be passable and offer unhindered access)
  • Clear identification of the required extra services on the medium used for supplying the transport data, such as the shipping order, data transmission, or collection notification
  • Each package in the consignment must be clearly labeled with the correct sender and recipient information
  • Consignments must be ready for pick-up at the agreed collection time
4. Dimensions and weights

Permissible dimensions and weights per item (on condition that the local conditions for delivery are met):

  • Side length: max. 240 cm
  • Height: max. 200 cm
  • Individual weight: up to max. 150 kg. The package must be transportable to the place of use with a hand pallet truck. The maximum weight limit for carrying when the use of support equipment is not possible: 30 kg/person and item
5. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Delivery to islands
  • Goods subject to customs duties
  • Goods listed in paragraph 3.3 of the General German Forwarders‘ Terms and Conditions [goods defined by ADR as Class 1, 2, 4.1 (Sections 21 – 26), 5.2 (Sections 11 – 20) and 7 (sheets 5 – 13), as well as waste products requiring removal or special monitoring during recycling in accordance with KrW-/AbfG (German Waste Avoidance and Management Act), as well as goods held in tanks or tank-containers, with the exception of those in approved transport units as defined by the ADR]
  • Heavy cargo
6. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively free at the place of use.


1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Quality insurance across Germany thanks to comprehensive frost protection from collection to delivery. ThermoLine can be combined with the following CargoLine products: NightLinePlus 10 (delivery by 10 a.m.), NightLinePlus 12 (delivery by noon), and ServiceLine Delivery Note.

2. General conditions

In order to carry out the services offered, the following general conditions must be met:

  • Loading Monday to Thursday
  • One-day advance notification from the customer
  • The sender must ensure that the goods are provided ready for loading in a frost-free state (min. 15 °C)
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Side length: max. 120 cm
  • Width: max. 120 cm
  • Height: max 160 cm
  • Larger items on the agreement
  • Size of a shipment: up to 3 pallet spaces (more upon agreement)
4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Dispatch notification to the recipient, loading on Friday, cash on delivery (COD), delivery to islands, areas with a scheduled transit time of more than 24 hours, seaport deliveries, goods subject to customs duties
  • Combination with the CargoLine products NightLinePlus 8 (delivery by 8 a.m.), OrderLine (procurement orders), ServiceLine (except ServiceLine Delivery Note), with fixed delivery times and all NightLineEurope products
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively free domicile.

B2CLine and B2CLine Plus

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Dispatch notification by text, voice call, or email across Germany of goods ordered on the Internet. Prenotification by phone can be booked additionally.

Delivery during predefined time slots

  • free curbside (B2CLine), even if the sender has commissioned the CargoLine partner in question to drop off the shipment at the recipient’s address
  • free at the place of use with one delivery man (B2CLine Plus)

Evening delivery between 5 and 10 p.m. (B2CLine Plus only), individual delivery appointments, and special services can be agreed upon if certain preconditions are met (see „2. General conditions“)

Only upon booking B2CLine Plus, standardized Euro pallets can be exchanged. CargoLine is under no legal obligation to exchange pallets.

2. General conditions
  • Packages must be accessible by hand pallet truck or fork-lift if heavier than 31.5 kilograms
  • Availability of the acquired item
  • For dispatch notification by email and/or text, the email address and/or the mobile phone number of the recipient has to be part of the electronic shipment information specific to the item. Otherwise, the notification will be made by voice call, provided a landline number is available
  • In order to receive the shipment on the day following dispatch notification (24-hour service), the recipient must confirm the delivery date by 10 p.m. on the day of dispatch notification. If this is not the case, CargoLine suggests the working day after next for delivery
  • In order to book additional or special services such as the choice of a delivery time slot at the end of the order transaction, the dispatch notification platform has to be completely integrated into the online shop in question
  • Regular delivery conditions and unrestricted access
  • Consignments must be ready for pick-up at the agreed collection time
  • Suitable packaging, safe for transport
  • Each package in the consignment must be clearly labeled with the correct sender and recipient information
  • Shipping order completed according to specification
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Side length: max 240 cm (L) x 240 cm (W) x 240 cm (H)
  • Weight per item: < 1,000 kg for delivery by tail-lift
B2CLine Plus
  • Side length: max 240 cm (L) x 240 cm (W) x 220 cm (H)
  • Weight per item:
    • up to max. 150 kg if the package can be transported to the place of use with a hand pallet truck
    • the maximum weight limit for carrying when the use of support equipment is not possible (only hand pallet truck): 30 kg/person and item
4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Everything except new goods
  • C2C shipments
  • Booking of additional services at the delivering CargoLine partner (exception: permission to drop off the shipment at the recipient’s address)
  • Dangerous goods except ADR classified dangerous goods that have been packed in limited quantities according to the rules for limited quantities and that have been labeled according to ADR chapter 3.4.1.
  • Self-collect deliveries
  • Removal of packaging material
  • Pallet exchange when only B2CLine was booked
  • Deliveries to islands (B2CLine Plus only)
  • Goods subject to customs duties
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively free domicile (B2CLine only) or free at the place of use (B2CLine Plus only)

B2CLine Europe

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Dispatch notification by text or email in the following countries of goods ordered on the Internet: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Delivery during predefined time slots is free curbside. The driver is under no obligation to deliver the shipment to the place of use, remove any packaging et alii. Pallets will not be exchanged.

2. General conditions
  • Availability of the acquired item
  • Consignments must be ready for pick-up at the agreed collection time
  • Suitable packaging, safe for transport
  • Each package in the consignment must be clearly labeled with the correct sender and recipient information
  • Shipping order completed according to specification
  • Regular delivery conditions and unrestricted access
  • Packages must be accessible by hand pallet truck or forklift
  • For dispatch notification by email and/or text, the email address and/or the mobile phone number of the recipient has to be part of the electronic shipment information specific to the item. Otherwise, the notification will be made by landline, provided a number is available.
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Side length: max 240 cm
  • Height: max 200 cm
  • Weight per item: < 1,000 kg for delivery by tail-lift
4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Everything except new goods
  • C2C shipments
  • Booking of additional services at the delivering CargoLine partner
  • Dangerous goods except ADR classified dangerous goods that have been packed in limited quantities according to the rules for limited quantities and that have been labeled according to ADR chapter 3.4.1.
  • Self-collect deliveries
  • Removal of packaging material
  • Pallet exchange
  • Consignments to islands without bridge connections
  • Deliveries to remote locations in alpine areas (according to the definition by the respective CargoLine partner)
  • Procurement orders
  • Seaport deliveries
  • The combination with time-bound CargoLine products
  • Cash on Delivery (COD)
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively DAP and DDP.

NightLineEurope NextDay

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

24-hour delivery of general cargo right to the recipient in selected European countries and regions (see pdf NightLineEurope NextDay) as well as to further destinations upon request.*

2. General conditions
  • No delivery involving lifting ramps, unloading has to be possible at the place of delivery
  • The packages must be accessible by hand pallet truck or forklift
  • Identification of the shipping order with reference to NightLineEurope NextDay
  • The recipient must be available to take delivery of the goods during normal working hours and at the latest by the agreed final delivery time. Otherwise, additional costs will incur for the resulting second delivery of the goods (basis: applicable current NightLineEurope NextDay rate or surcharge)
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Max. weight per consignment 1,000 kg
  • Max. dimensions per pallet 120 cm (length) x 100 cm (width) x 160 cm (height)
  • Max. 2 pallets per consignment
  • Further dimensions and weights upon request
4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Deliveries requiring dispatch notification
  • Procurement orders
  • Consignments to islands without bridge connections
  • Remote locations in alpine areas (according to the definition by the respective CargoLine partner)
  • Seaport and self-collect deliveries,
  • Cash on delivery (COD)
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively DAP and DDP.

NightLineEurope Priority

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Prioritized transport of goods and secure delivery within the standard transit times in approximately 30 European countries according to the transit times table specific to the country of destination and in due consideration of the defined arrival times and time window agreements from Germany to Europe as well as on a pan-European level between contractual partners.*

2. General conditions
  • Unloading at the recipient’s end must be secured
3. Dimensions and weights
  • Side length: max. 240 cm
  • Width: max. 120 cm
  • Height: max. 215 cm (France only 180 cm)
  • Max. 3,000 kg chargeable consignment weight, higher weights upon request
4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Deliveries requiring dispatch notification,
  • Procurement orders
  • Consignments to remote locations in alpine areas (according to the definition by the respective CargoLine partner)
  • Seaport and self-collect deliveries
  • Cash on delivery (COD)
  • Consignments to islands without bridge connections.
  • Additional agreements re: extra tours as executed by the receiving depot on behalf of the client do not include any distances over 100 km from the respective receiving depot.
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively DAP and DDP.

NightLineEurope Fix

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Delivery of goods in approximately 30 European countries on a date in the near future fixed at the moment of order placement and according to the individual transit times table in the country of destination and in consideration of the defined arrival times, time window agreements from Germany to Europe as well as on a pan-European level between contractual partners.*

2. General conditions
  • Bookable for consignments whose delivery date is between 1 and 5 working days in excess of the defined standard transit time (otherwise NightLineEurope Priority applies).
  • If the fixed delivery date exceeds 5 days in excess of the defined standard transit time, a storage fee may apply.
3. Dimensions and weights

Up to 3,000 kg of chargeable weight. Higher weights upon request.

4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Deliveries requiring dispatch notification
  • Procurement orders
  • Consignments to remote locations in alpine areas (according to the definition by the respective CargoLine partner)
  • Seaport and self-collect deliveries
  • Cash on delivery (COD)
  • Consignments to islands without bridge connections
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively DAP and DDP.

NightLineEurope Receipt

1. General scope of services/area of applicability

Within the defined European countries, NightLineEurope Receipt provides the customer with a receipt on the delivery note that is issued separately, for consignments from Germany to Europe as well as on a pan-European level between contractual partners.*

2. General conditions

The delivery note (as pdf) has to be emailed separately to the receiving depot using the defined email addresses, at the latest by midnight on the date of loading.

3. Dimensions and weights

Up to 3,000 kg of chargeable weight. Higher weights upon request.

4. Exemptions specific to the product
  • Procurement orders
  • Consignments to islands
  • Seaport deliveries
  • Cash on delivery (COD)
  • Deviating or additional exemptions may occur in case NightLineEurope Receipt is combined with other NightLineEurope products.
5. Freight terms

Deliveries are exclusively DAP and DDP.


1. General scope of services and the territorial coverage

SeaLine is a service for the transportation of general cargo shipments in the form of groupage service (LCL) between Hamburg, Bremen, or Rotterdam, on the one hand, and other continents, on the other. Invoices are issued in Germany (both for import and export).

The following services are not included in SeaLine:

  • Transport insurance
  • Customs clearance (export/import) is the responsibility of the customer. However, the customer may place a separate order with the relevant CargoLine partner, requesting the handling of customs services.
  • Export: freight collection – only available on request.
2. General requirements
Seaworthy packing and labeling
  • Goods must be packed in a seaworthy manner and must bear the legally required labels. This is particularly important for special handling instructions (see ISO 55402 and ISO R/780).
  • We cannot accept liability for damaged/lost packages that lacked appropriate labels.
Collection in Hamburg (import)
  • The customer receives an arrival note from the relevant freight forwarder approximately 10 days prior to ETA.
  • Customs formalities (incl. T1 and import clearance) must be checked by the importer prior to acceptance.
  • Acceptance at the port is only possible with an obligation note (A18).
Delivery to Hamburg (export)
  • Port delivery to Hamburg is not possible with CargoLine premium products.
  • Port delivery only with quay delivery note (A08)
  • Note the delivery reference number in the booking confirmation.
  • The customs code (Z number) must be generated.
Delivery to Bremen (export)
  • Port delivery to Bremen is not possible with CargoLine premium products.
  • Delivery to Bremen is only possible with a complete delivery reference number.
  • Note the delivery reference number in the booking confirmation.

To ensure smooth handling, we recommend to customers that they issue a sea waybill or a telex release of the B/L (bill of lading). This avoids submitting the original B/L at the receiving port.

3. Measurements and weights

All details per packaged item


  • max. 250 cm in length – longer items upon consultation only
  • max. 220 cm in height – taller items upon consultation
  • only up to 1,900 kg


  • max. 250 cm in length – longer items upon consultation only
  • max. 220 cm in height – taller items upon consultation only
  • max. 2,500 kg per packaged item – max. 10,000 kg per shipment
4. Additional product-specific exclusions
  • Precious metals, precious stones, money, coins, chip cards, documents, jewelry, securities, and works of art
  • Radioactive substances and nuclear fuels
  • Explosive goods as defined in the Ordinance on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea
  • Weapons, ammunition, and military goods
  • Live animals and plants
  • Drugs subject to the German Act on the Trading of Narcotics
  • Any goods that are subject to an import/export ban or embargo
  • Temperature-controlled goods
  • All national regulations (as amended) must be observed. We do not transport to countries that are subject to an official embargo.
  • Pallet exchange

The following goods are only shipped upon request:

  • Hazardous goods
  • Household goods
  • Medication
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco and cigarettes
  • Other high-quality goods not mentioned in item 4
  • Veterinary products
  • Carbon
5. Freight terms

Only the following shall be applicable:

  • Export: CFR, CIF (DAP and DDP only upon request)
  • Import: FOB port of departure (EXW and FCA upon request)
6. Liability
  • German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp), as amended
  • Bill-of-lading conditions

as at 25 March 2022

*If CargoLine fails to deliver by the agreed deadline, the customer only pays for the service actually provided. Exceptions: force majeure, if customs clearance is not executed in good time.

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