Dangerous goods transport

Are you interested in the safe transportation of dangerous goods? 🚚⚠️

Your partner for safe transportation
of your hazardous goods

• ADR-certified
• GPS tracking
• Integrated extinguishing system

Tobias Volz
Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung


Kontaktieren Sie uns
Volz Tobias




Since 1938

Your Expert for Safe Dangerous Goods Transport!

Specializing in the transport of dangerous goods, we provide first-class equipment and expertise. Our experienced dispatchers understand the challenges of dangerous goods transportation. The Fritz fleet, equipped with the latest technology, meets all environmental and safety guidelines.

Electric and hydraulic pumps with corresponding adapters and hose variants

  • Compressor
  • ANA System
  • Gas transfer hose
  • Multiple chambers
  • GWG (discharge safety)
  • ADR transports
  • Customs seal

Of course, you’re also welcome to store your products in our chemical storage halls.

Legal Compliance

Dangerous goods transport is subject to international and national regulations, and compliance is critical. We strictly adhere to the Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), the Dangerous Goods Transport Act (GGBG), and the Dangerous Goods Transport Ordinance (GGBV) to ensure your goods are always transported in full compliance with legal requirements.

Which Dangerous Goods Can Be Shipped with the Fritz Group?

With the Fritz Group, you can ship a wide range of dangerous goods.

Hazard Classes Contents Excluded
Class 1 Explosive substances and articles Excluded from transport
Klasse 2 Gase UN 1057
Klasse 3 Brennbare flüssige Stoffe Klassifizierungscode: D
Klasse 4.1 Brennbare feste Stoffe UN 3221/ 3222
Klasse 4.2 Selbstentzündliche Stoffe UN 4127/ 3255
Klasse 4.3 Stoffe die entzündbare Gase mit Wasser bilden UN 3133
Klasse 5.1 Entzündend, oxidierend wirkende Stoffe UN 3100/ 3121/ 3111 bis 3120
Klasse 5.2 Organische Peroxide UN 3101/ 3102/ 3111 bis 2120
Klasse 6.1 Giftige Stoffe giftige Stoffe der  Verpackungsgruppe I
Klasse 6.2 Ansteckungsgefährliche Stoffe Vom Transport ausgeschlossen
Klasse 7 Radioaktive Stoffe und Gegenstände Vom Transport ausgeschlossen
Klasse 8 Ätzende Stoffe UN 1798/ UN 1790
Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles UN 3268

Why Choose the Fritz Group?

Expertise in Dangerous Goods Transport:

Our experienced dispatchers are experts in the world of dangerous goods transport. They are fully familiar with the requirements of ADR-regulated goods and specialize in developing tailored solutions for your needs. With us, your dangerous goods are in safe hands.

Modern Fleet:

Our fleet is equipped with the latest technology and complies with all environmental and safety regulations for dangerous goods transport. We continuously invest in our vehicles and equipment to ensure the highest standards. Your goods’ safety is our top priority.

Labeling and Safety:

Dangerous goods always require proper labeling, and safety is paramount. At the Fritz Group, we ensure all vehicles and packaging are appropriately marked. Our drivers undergo specialized training and hold dangerous goods certifications to guarantee transport safety.

Contact us

If you are interested in safe and reliable hazardous goods transportation, we are your partner of choice. Put your trust in the Fritz Group’s many years of experience and expertise. We are happy to take the time to discuss your specific requirements and develop customized solutions. Get in touch with us today, we look forward to helping you.

Thorben Hagen
Hagen, Thorben
Kundenservice Ladungsverkehre

FAQs – Do you have questions about the transportation of dangerous goods? You can find initial answers here.

Which hazardous goods can I have shipped?

In principle, we transport all hazardous goods, with the exception of class 1 and 7 goods.

How is the security of correct delivery guaranteed?

By indicating the dangerous goods data in the shipping document and on the goods, our employees know what needs to be observed for your shipment. In this way, we guarantee a high level of safety for your delivery.

Which laws regulate the labeling of dangerous goods? How do we have to label the goods for transportation?

Various regulations and international agreements apply here. The exact classification of the substance to be shipped can be found in the ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). In principle, the following applies: The goods to be transported must be classified in the consignment note and the goods must be provided with the corresponding dangerous goods label.

For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Thorben Hagen, Tel.: 07131/1573-4128, E-Mail: abholer@fritz-gruppe.de 

We look forward to seeing you!

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