Chemical logistics
Your goods. Perfectly stored!
Fritz Logistic can meet the requirements for special storage with a hazardous materials warehouse of up to 30,000 m². We have a total of 19 fire compartments, which means that different hazardous substances can be stored separately in accordance with TRGS 510.
Thanks to our decades of experience in the field of hazardous materials and dangerous goods, we are familiar with the handling and product-specific preventive measures. We have the knowledge, permanently specially trained personnel and the technical and spatial requirements for storage and accident prevention. And, of course, we have a highly reliable emergency concept in place. Our employees are kept up to date and “wide awake” through constant training and emergency drills. This enables us to guarantee you and your customers maximum safety and reliability.

Hazardous materials logistics:
- You get the entire range of services from a single source
- Block and high-bay storage areas, depending on customer requirements
- Picking of large containers, individual items and packaging units
- Sampling
- Production supply
- In-house logistics
- Heatable storage areas
- CO2 extinguishing system
- Gas and water level detectors
- Sewage lifting unit
- Environmental management DIN EN ISO 14001: 2015
- AEO status, No. DE AEO-F 112561
We are licensed for the storage of:
- Hazardous substances of storage classes 2 – 6 and 8 – 13
- Flammable liquids of H-phrases 224 – 226
- Substances of water hazard classes 1 – 3
- Various chambers to comply with storage bans
- Large areas for storing aerosols and pressurized containers
The extra service for you: Our in-house environmental management officer has been advising our customers as an environmental and safety expert for years on all matters relating to hazardous goods. You are welcome to arrange an appointment with us to view our warehouses on site. We look forward to your visit.