Green logistics

Cheers to us … no, to our youth!

As a future-oriented company and in the interests of future generations, we face the challenge of intelligently combining ecological and economic necessities. In this way, we preserve the future opportunities and ability to act of our descendants through our responsible actions. The Fritz Group is aware of its responsibility for people and the environment. The protection of the environment, the safety of our employees and the prevention of accidents are therefore important components of our corporate policy.

Principles for responsible and environmentally conscious action are:

  • Environmental responsibility as a corporate maxim
  • Continuous reduction of operational environmental impact
  • Maintenance of an environmental management system
  • Continuous improvement
  • Promoting environmental awareness among employees
Andreas Nohe
Nohe, Andreas
Umwelt, Arbeitssicherheit und QM

Green logistics

For us, the topic of “green logistics” refers to the holistic transformation of logistics strategies, structures, processes and systems in the Fritz Group itself, but also in our corporate networks to create environmentally friendly and resource-efficient logistics processes.

Our “green” logistics target system pursues the creation of sustainable corporate value through a balance of economic and ecological efficiency. Our overarching environmental goals serve to reduce energy consumption, conserve resources, manage waste and monitor greenhouse gases and their targeted reduction over the years.

This requires us to monitor and improve strategic measures in order to achieve our corporate policy goals. Our environmental targets are shown below. In addition to waste reduction, the reduction of electricity, water and fuel consumption and, separately, the reduction of gas and heating oil consumption, heat conservation, environmental awareness among employees and cooperation conditions with suppliers are also listed. The environmental goals are presented in categories and specific measures are proposed as a guide to action.

From this, a specific ecological area such as waste disposal in the forwarding company can be taken up and modified in a step-by-step process.

Share of certification of the applicable DIN EN 16258-2013-03

The Fritz Group is a partner of the general cargo cooperation CargoLine Logistics Network, which was the first general cargo cooperation to achieve the “environmental protection hat trick”: CargoLine is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001, including the HACCP concept and logistics services, as well as DIN EN ISO 14001, ISO 14064 (CO2 footprint in the network) and DIN EN 16258 (CO2 footprint per shipment).

We participate in the certification in the area of “Calculation of the CO2 footprint per shipment” based on the published standard DIN EN 16258-2013-03.

This officially confirms that the method used by the general cargo cooperation to calculate the shipment-specific CO2 footprint complies with the Europe-wide standard that was developed specifically for the logistics industry. The standard stipulates that all greenhouse gases are recorded and converted into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). In addition to carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and fluorocarbons, for example, are also included in the calculation.

The determination of the shipment-specific carbon footprint of our consignments within the cooperation is based exclusively on real values. The analysis was carried out in accordance with the cross-industry standards ISO 14064 (Network Carbon Footprint) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as confirmed by the certification company Intertek.

Sensible climate protection targets and measures are formulated on a regular basis. These include route, vehicle and building optimization as well as driver training and studies on the use of alternative fuels and drives in long-distance transport.

Our apprentice environmental project

In order to raise awareness of ecological issues among our youngest employees, we asked our trainees to set up a practical environmental project. Together with the project mentors assigned to them (long-standing employees of the Fritz Group), the “Fritz-GRÜNschnäbel” project idea was born.

A “miniature nature reserve” for rare shrubs, trees and plants was created on an area designated for this purpose. In particular, deciduous shrubs were planted that offer birds food, shelter and suitable nesting opportunities. Nesting boxes and nesting aids were also installed. A pond and an appropriately sized bird bath were also created. Furthermore, an artificial nesting and hibernation aid for insects was purchased, a so-called “insect hotel”. Part of the area is separated by a natural stone wall made of sandstone. Mosses, ferns and flowering plants will find a home here and useful animals such as lizards and spiders can lie on the wall to sunbathe or spin their webs into the stonework. The project is supported by members (employees of the Fritz Group) of the local nature conservation association NABU. The aim and basic idea is to create a sustainable, long-term and dynamic protected space for plants and animals, in which humans intervene as little as possible but are welcome as observers.

Prospects for the future

We are also committed to responsible, entrepreneurial action in the future. Continuous sustainability, which grows exponentially over a period of time, can be observed, analyzed and improved over the years. For us, the topic of “green logistics” refers to the holistic transformation of logistics strategies, structures, processes and systems in the Fritz Group itself, but also in our corporate networks to create environmentally friendly and resource-efficient logistics processes. Our target system of “green logistics” pursues the creation of sustainable corporate value through a balance of economic and ecological efficiency.

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