We all leave traces. Measurable!
The Fritz Group is a partner of the general cargo cooperation CargoLine Logistics Network, which was the first general cargo cooperation to achieve the “environmental protection hat trick”: CargoLine is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, including HACCP concept and logistics services, as well as according to DIN EN ISO 14001, ISO 14064 (CO2 footprint in the network) and DIN EN 16258 (CO2 footprint per shipment). We have participated in the certification in the area of “Calculation of the CO2 footprint per shipment” based on the DIN EN 16258-2013-03 standard, which officially confirms that the method used by the general cargo cooperation to calculate the shipment-specific CO2 footprint complies with the Europe-wide standard that was developed specifically for the logistics industry. The standard stipulates that all greenhouse gases are recorded and converted into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). In addition to carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and fluorocarbons, for example, are also included in the calculation.
Fritz Corporate Carbon Footprint
The determination of the shipment-specific CO2 footprint of our shipments within the cooperation is based exclusively on real values. The analysis was carried out in accordance with the cross-industry standards ISO 14064 (Network Carbon Footprint) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as confirmed by the certification company Intertek.
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