Are you a barbecue expert or a grill master?
Have you ever heard of Supply Chain Management? This term refers to the intelligent planning and control of value chains in the English-speaking world. In Germany, the term logistics is often used instead. Logistics is (almost) everywhere: 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Or, to put it more simply: 24/7.
But let’s not talk about logistics—let’s dream instead of a spontaneous barbecue party with 20 friends. Admittedly, the preparations might be a bit more effort with 20 people, but what wouldn’t you do for your friends? For initial recipe ideas and inspiration, we can quickly turn to Pinterest to create a plan for what to serve. Thanks to the often helpful descriptions, a list of ingredients can be quickly compiled, checked against what’s already in the pantry, and then create the shopping list.
Then off to the store. With the right people and thanks to good planning, the shopping carts are quickly filled, the items placed on the conveyor belt, paid for, packed back into the cart, and then loaded into the car. And if someone with a keen eye is around, even the three crates of drinks will fit into the Fiat 500.
Once home, it’s best to take everything straight to where it’s needed: the gas cylinder to the grill, the drinks to the fridge, and the food, depending on the recipe, divided between the table, countertop, and sink. Based on experience, three to four hours are needed in the kitchen to prepare the various salads and side dishes. To cool off in the hot temperatures, it might be a good idea to order a cooler box with crushed ice at the last minute, which hopefully arrives on time so nothing stands in the way of a fun evening. When the party is over and you look back on the evening relaxed, it might occur to you that, thanks to good planning, organization, and helpful people, everything worked out perfectly.
Du hast schon ähnliche Partys geschmissen? Dann passt Du perfekt in unser Team. Denn bei Logistik geht es wie bei diesem Barbecue darum, dass die gewünschten Dinge zur richtigen Zeit in der benötigten Menge am passenden Ort sind, damit ein Plan in Erfüllung gehen kann. Und gemeinsam mit den richtigen Menschen ist es fast egal, ob Du die termingerechte Zustellung von Zutaten für das Barbecue, Gartenbänke, vorproduzierten Auspuffen oder Kabelbäume für Autos, Glasdächer für Elektro-Sportwagen, Zutaten für Tütensuppen, Parfum, Sonnencreme, den im Internet bestellten Grill für den Nachbarn, die Weinflaschen für das Restaurant in Berlin, Teile für Druckmaschinen, Briefumschläge, Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge oder gefährliche Chemikalien koordinierst und mit anpackst – aber zugegeben, nur fast. Denn dies alles bewegen wir – und gerne mit Dir, wenn Du Lust hast.
On the way to the future – with us!
The Fritz Group employs around 650 staff members and currently trains young people in five professions. But every beginning is difficult. That’s why at Fritz, they try to make the transition into working life easier for young people.
At Fritz, every year begins with the so-called ‘Fritz Week,’ a one-week workshop where we provide newcomers with practical tips for their everyday work life. Fun and the joy of learning are also a priority: from apprentice meet-ups to away football tournaments with apprentices from other companies, environmental projects, and even multi-week student exchange programs for individual apprentices—Fritz offers a lot to its new starters. But with all the fun, of course, the apprenticeship must be successfully completed. At Fritz, great importance is naturally placed on good results, and these are promptly rewarded.
And most importantly: If the performance is good, every apprentice is offered a permanent position after completing their training.
Make more of yourself. Start your career at Fritz!